This research examines how tourists perceive and engage with technology and sustainability concepts, particularly in relation to their utilization of QR codes at tourist sites. The investigation conducted by the researchers explores four key factors hypothesized to influence tourists' preferences and behaviors regarding technology: a) habits, b) risks, c) susta…
As a nation with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia is actively developing Halal tourism destinations since Halal tourism has become popular in the tourism world because of its great potential. In 2016 Indonesia began to actively promote Halal tourism and participate in the world's Halal tourism awards, Indonesia was also included in the top 10 OIC countries based on the …
Muslim women who travel continue to increase every year, whether solo traveling, with friends, or with family. As a Muslim, especially a woman, there are obligations that must be carried out when traveling. Muslim women must also be more careful when traveling because Islamophobia and discrimination against them still exist. A Muslim woman is obliged to perform worship 5 times a day, eat halal …
According to data from the UNWTO, Indonesians made around 11.7 million outbound departures in 2019. The growth in outbound travel in Indonesia was halted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in global travel restrictions. In June 2020, Turkey has announced a Safe Tourism Certification program, launched to coincide with the start of the 2020 summer season to increase the number …