Under five children are an age group of vulnerable where they are still vulnerable to a wide range of health and nutritional disorders because they are still in growth and development period. The decrease in prevalence of wasting in Indonesia is still not in accordance with national medium term development plan (RPJMN) target. One of the efforts that can be done to improve the nutritional st…
This study aims to obtain information about: (1) differences in learning outcomes between students who study using the ARIAS learning model and students who learn using direct learning (DL); (2) differences in learning outcomes between students who have high creativity and students who have low creativity; and (3) whether the relationship between the use of learning models and learning outc…
Desa Adat Bugbug terletak di Bali Timur yang memiliki banyak sekali potensi wisata sangat baik untuk dikembangkan menjadi pariwisata pedesaan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mendukung peran pengelola wisata berjalan secara maksimal dalam mengelola semua potensi wisata. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, FGD dan dokumen…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan bentuk & model wisata desa lamajang. Pariwisata perdesaan merupakan bentuk pariwisata dalam sebuah area perdesaan yang di dalamnya terdapat tradisi dari masyarakat desa tersebut, peninggalan sejarah, seni, serta gaya hidup masyarakat beserta nilai-nilai yang telah diwariskan secara turun-temurun. Adapun daya tarik utama wisata per…
The current development of tourism activities has been expanding throughout various regions, particularly in village territories through tourist village development. Essentially, tourism accomplishment in village territories is one of the implementation forms of Community-Based Tourism (CBT) where the community takes part as the executor and object of development. Community-Based Touri…